The Journal of Interdisciplinary Education (JIE)
Volume 16 - 2019-2020
Implicit Bias: An Unconscious Barrier to Family Engagement: Download
Corinne Brion, Ph.D., University of Dayton
Empire of Egotism: An Educational and Phenomenological Perspective from Dayton’s Quadruple Crises: Download
Thomas Falk, Ph.D., University of Dayton
Methodological Musings: Problematizing Examinations of Diversity in Curriculum: Download
Sarah R. Lillo, Ph.D., Southeast Missouri State University
Fostering Equitable Opportunities for All Students through Transfer of Equity Knowledge: Download
Corinne Brion, Ph.D., University of Dayton
Creating Church and School Partnerships to Enhance Educational Achievement of African American Students: Download
Trenace Lewis, Ed.D.
An Exploration of EL Achievement on AP Examinations: Download
Marjorie Ceballos, Ed.D.
Student Engagement: Universities’ Initiatives to Promote Student Community Involvement: Download
Joy Teles Oliveira, M.A., LaVelle Hendricks, Ed.D., Zaidy MohdZain, Ph.D., & Lauren Hudson, B.B.A., Texas A&M University-Commerce
Vol. 15 no. 1, 2018: Articles in recent issues are published individually below:
Journal of Interdisciplinary Education
Democratization through Education: A Social Justice Approach
Shannon Clapsaddle, Jean Benton, Simin Cwick
A Visit with Princess Boy Jazz Kyle Morris and Jacob
Darryn Diuguid, Tadayuki Suzuki
Yan Yang
Shauna M. Adams, Rochonda L. Nenonene, Pamela Cross Young, Novea McIntosh
Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Scientists: Stereotypes, Gender Bias, or Media Influence?
Vol. 14, No. 1, 2016-2017: Journal of Interdisciplinary Education
Individual articles are below:
Service-Learning: The Practical Agent of Change for Diversity in Student Learning (pp. 1-12)
Terry Silver, Ed.D., University of Tennessee at Martin
Chip Harris, Ed.D., Tennessee State University
Identity, Social and Academic Influences: The Educational Experiences of African American Males (pp. 13-50)
Justin Zerega, Ed.D., Western Connecticut State University
Jody S. Piro, Ed.D., Western Connecticut State University
Marcia A.B. Delcourt, Ph.D., Western Connecticut State University
Melissa Jenkins, Ed.D., Western Connecticut State University
Identity, Social and Academic Influences Zerega, Piro, Delcourt and Jenkins 2016
A Diagnostic Tool to Predict Performance on High-Stakes Multiple Choice Tests: An Attempt to Recognize Potential Discrepancies Due to Diversity Before the Test is Taken (pp.51-68)
Natalie N. Michaels, PT, Ed.D., Belmont University
Ronald Barredo, PT, Ed.D., Tennessee State University
Edilberto Raynes, MD, Ph.D., Tennessee State University
Deborah Edmondson, PT, Ed.D., Tennessee State University
Elizabeth Kunnu, Ed.S.., M.Ed., RHIA, Tennessee State University
A Diagnostic Tool to Predict Performance on High Stakes Tests Michaels, et al. 2016
Transmission of Educational Content in Social Media: The Case of “Uzman TV” (pp. 69-89)
Dr. A. Sükrü Künücen, Baskent University, Baglica Campus, Ankara-Turkey
Dr. H. Hale Künücen, Baglica Campus, Ankara-Turkey
Selcuk Temel, Baglica Campus, Ankara-Turkey
Transmission of Educational Content in Social Media_Kunucen_Kunucen_Temel JIE 2016
Democratization of Education in Emerging Countries (pp. 89-124)
David V. Powell, Ed.D., Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Svitlana Kuzmina, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Simin Cwick, Ed.D., Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Tahsin Khalid, Ph.D., Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Seidu Sofo, Ph.D., Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Democratization of Education in Emerging Countries_Powell et al. JIE2016
Saving Our Sons: An Investigation of Male and Minority Attrition in Teacher Education and a Model to Recruit, Retain, and Reward (pp. 125-142)
Erin Lynch-Alexander, Ed. D., Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
John R. McConnell, Ph.D., Austin Peay State University , Clarksville, TN
Anthony R. Sanders, Ph.D., Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Lana Haddy, Ed.D., Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
My Future: The Tool For Clear Vision In Career Choices (pp. 143-162)
J. Gary Stewart, Ed.D., Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Anthony R. Sanders, Ph.D., Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Leah Whitten, Ed.D., University of North Alabama, Florence, AL
Erin Lynch-Alexander, Ed. D., Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
The Cultural Leadership Cohort Group Initiative: Empowered Community-Building for Faculty of Color (pp. 163-197)
Cheryl S. Carr, J.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Hope Campbell, Pharm.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Edgar Diaz-Cruz, Ph.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Michelle Guinn, Ph.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Leela Kodali, PHarm.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Hyangsook Lee, Ph.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Bernard Turner, Ed.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Cultural Leadership Cohort Group Initiative_Carr et al. JIE2016
The Efficacy of a Skill-Building Workshop for Reflective Critical Thinking with Graduate Students: Effect-Size Differences Based on Race (pp. 198-219)
Natalie Michaels, PT, Ed.D., Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Educational Inequality in China: Contributing Factors and Equalizing Efforts (pp. 220-230)
Min Zou, Ed.D., Southeast Missouri State University
Volume 13, No. 1, 2014-15
Journal of Interdisciplinary Education
Individual articles are below:
Graduates’ Perspective of Urban Teacher Academy Program Preparation and Benefits to Aspiring Educational Leaders (p. 1-25)
The Urban Teacher Academy JIE_14_1_1 Young and Nenonene
Pamela Cross Young, Ph.D., University of Dayton, School of Education and Health Sciences
Rochonda L. Nenonene, Ph.D., University of Dayton, School of Education and Health Sciences
A Framework for Evaluating Public-Private Partnerships in Educational Contexts (p.26-39)
A Framework for Evaluating PPP’s in Educational Contexts JIE_14_1_2 Jody S. Piro
Jody S. Piro, Ed.D., Western Connecticut State University
Innovation Management: Implications for Practice for Servant Leaders in Education (p. 40-71)
Erin Lynch, Ed.D
Martha Dickerson Eriksson College of Education at Austin Peay State University
A Partnership in Pedagogy of Process: Conversations about Co-Teaching Critical Analysis (p. 72-94)
Gina Anderson, Ed.D., Texas Woman’s University
Jody S. Piro, Ed.D., Western Connecticut State University
Vol. 12, No. 1, 2013: Journal of Interdisciplinary Education
Evaluating the effectiveness of national assessment scores as a tool for comparison with other nations
(p. 1-19)
Gina Grogan & David Kennedy, Austin Peay State University
Frameworks of International Accountability
(p. 20-26)
Jody S. Piro, Texas Woman’s University
Postsecondary retention and completion: Establishing unity in a diverse college classroom
(p. 27-57)
Shirley Waldron, Austin Peay State University
Employing the Jenlink Poetic as a social construct A critical personal narrative analysis
(p. 58-74)
Rebecca R. Fredrickson, Texas Woman’s University
“Good” English language learners
(p. 73-92)
Yanan Fan, San Francisco State University
Teachers’ perceptions regarding the impact of sustained Esl/bilingual professional development
(p. 93-118)
Joan F. Fee, Aurora University
Engaging prospective teachers in the community for collaboration
(p. 119-140)
Douglas F. Warring, University of St. Thomas
Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2012:
Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2011:
Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2010: