NAC-UE Board 2024-2025

Novea McIntosh
Novea McIntosh is an Associate Professor of Education in the School of Education and Health Sciences at the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. She was born and raised in Jamaica. She earned her bachelor’s degree from University of the West Indies Mona Campus and her master’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and Doctor of Education degree from Walden University. She teaches courses in Teacher Education focusing on educating diverse populations in inclusive settings and assessment literacy. Her mission is to prepare culturally responsive assessment literate teachers and to disseminate research on diversity, equity, and social justice.

Vice President
Syamak Moattari
Syamak Moattari is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Sciencesat Worcester State University in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. He was born and raised in Iran. He has an M.D. degree as a general practitioner, a Certificate in Integrated Environmental Management from Brown University, and a Doctor of Public Health in international health from Boston University. He has expertise in global health, and non-profit organizations and experience with community-based participatory program development and participatory learning and action methodology.

Board Member
Hasan Huseyin Aksoy
Hasan Huseyin Aksoy is a Professor in the Department of Educational Administration in Faculty of Educational Sciences of Ankara University in Ankara, Turkey. He holds a Bachelor's degree and a Ph.D.degree from Ankara University and Master of Education Science degree from Hacettepe University- all in Educational Administration and Planning programs. His teaching and research interests are economics of education, politics of education, vocational and technical education and critical Pedagogy. He has numerous publications in local and international journals and books. He has served as a member of the Editorial Board of a number of national and international academic journals. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Cincinnati, OH, USA and Freie University, Berlin, Germany.

Board Member and Secretary
Neil Lewis
Neil Lewis is an Associate Professor of Humanities at Northwest Vista College (NVC) in San Antonio, Texas. Neil also serves as Academic and Program coordinator for the San Antonio Peace Center. Neil has an MA in History (UT-SanAntonio 2000) and a graduate certificate in Conflict Transformation (St. Mary’s University 2017). Neil has taught at NVC for over twenty years and is currently teaching Introduction to Humanities and Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies. He is also certified to facilitate Racial Healing Circles and retreats for Courage and Renewal.

Board Member
Sue Foo
Sue F. Foo is a Professor of Education at Worcester State University. Sue was born and grew up in Malaysia. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English as a second language education and deaf education in Malaysia. She obtained her master’s degree and Doctor of Education in Special Education and Early Childhood from the University of Cincinnati. She teaches diversity and multiculturalism, early childhood and special education, and trauma-informed courses. She coordinates the moderate disabilities program at the graduate level. She has presented at a variety of national and international conferences on special education, diversity, and women’s issues.

Past President
Erin Parkes
Lotus Centre for Special Music Education
Kanata, Ontario, Canada