NAC:UE is committed to ensure that education contributes to the promotion of equity, peace, social justice and the universal realization of human rights. To this end, we will support programs of all educational enterprises for children, youth and adults that develop in each person self-respect, social awareness, and the capacity to participate at all levels of society, from local to global.
Purposes of NAC:UE
to provide a variety of opportunities for educators in the NAC:UE to work together to fulfill the NAC:UE mission;
to facilitate exchange, across national borders, of existing and newly created professional knowledge in the realms of both theory and practice relevant to the needs of a multi-cultural world community;
to stimulate and facilitate communication and collaboration with members of other global organizations in order
to promote the kinds of programs designed to foster intercultural, interracial, interfaith, and international understanding and cooperation;
to cooperate with other organizations having compatible purposes; and
to employ education as a vehicle for the promotion and realization of social justice and human rights.