About JIE
Instructions for JIE Contributors
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Education (JIE)
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Education (JIE) is the official refereed journal of the NAC:UE. You are invited to submit a manuscript for the next issue of the (JIE).
The JIE will accept only original submissions. Articles will not be accepted that have been published or submitted elsewhere.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and other referees serving as reviewers for the JIE.
All submissions should include, on a separate page
an abstract of about 120 words;
a brief (50-75 words) biographical note with the author’s academic degrees, professional titles, recent publications, and affiliations;
author’s mailing address, telephone number, and email address;
The manuscript itself should usually not be more than 15-18 double-spaced pages;
All submissions must be in APA format, double spaced, Times New Roman font, 12 point. Papers not conforming to this minimum standard will not be reviewed.
All submissions must be sent to jie.submissions@gmail.com